Thursday, July 14, 2011


1) End the "let's try putting the children to bed half an hour later" experiment: they are irritable and grey under the eyes and, with shocking symmetry given the chaos of our mornings, I'm getting to work exactly half an hour later, which I don't like.

2) Figure out a way to keep Pepita off my feet at night because it SUCKS that even though I have children who sleep through I'm woken 3 or 4 times by a small cat gnawing lustily on my feet.

3) Develop a plan for night time anxiety so that I don't fall into the habit of (as I did last night) imagining if/how I would cope if my children died.

4) Make the heartburn go away so I can drink coffee.  My head hurts for want of sleep and caffiene.  My stomach hurts from trying to drink the caffiene my head wants.

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