Friday, May 4, 2012

End of Semester

Last day of classes yesterday.  English department party (which I organize) this afternoon.  Husband home to help with kids b/c I have to deal with party.  But right now: no classes.  And it feels weird.  It should feel good, but I am riddled with the insecurities that come when I step out of routine.

Here's the email I recently sent to Husband:

Weird day . . . transition times are always a bit disorienting and I feel esp off kilter just now.
Tea and Hunger Games for a bit, I think.

Hope your day is going well.  Not bad out right now--supposed to be foul later (hot and wet).

Clara will be mad at me b/c she was talking to Gaia and so didn't see my car drive away.  She usually waves.  Oh the guilt!


From email, I went to reading Facebook and a post someone had shared about marriage.  Now I am concerned that I am terrible in bed and am consequently destroying my marriage.

Garh.  Time to drink that tea and go back to (re)reading The Hunger Games (which is actually work, when paired with the stack of inter-library loan books on my desk about the USAF, military psychology, military ethics, and Air Force base protocols).

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